Leadership by Example

“Brothers, join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.” Philippians 3:17 (ESV)
In his writing to the Christ followers at Philippi, the Apostle Paul challenged his audience to imitate him and keep focus on those in harmony with his life’s example.
What eternal values and life disciplines would you challenge your audience to imitate? Which personal qualities or weaknesses are worthy of imitation?
Irrespective of your sense of self, you are a person of impact. Strength and weaknesses do not define you. The personal values and life principles which you breath daily are the driving force of your existence. Do these values and principles have eternal significance? Identify these values and principles. Sharpen these values and principles. Share these values and principles by being a living example of what is best in you and worthy of imitation.
Our global society yearns for leadership which places deep value on the interest of others above self-interest.
Challenge your immediate circle of influence to imitate you and walk according to the example of your life.
Never allow mediocrity to imitate your best as mediocrity will dilute excellence. Consistently give your best to those committed to the higher calling of leading by example. Your best given in service of others is a quality worthy of imitation – lead by example. _____________________________________________________________________________
Any inquiries regarding the customized Crossroads Global Initiative leadership and organizational development services should be directed to contact@crossroadsgi.org